Journal Policies and Legal Scopes

Open Access Policy

All articles published in QMX Journal are completely free of access for scientists and readers.

Articles become available after they are published. Every visitor to the journal page can easily access published articles from the archive section. Each visitor has the opportunity to download or print the pdf files of the articles to their computers.

Although the publication of the article is possible with a publication fee paid by the author at the article acceptance stage, the copyright of the published works is deemed to be transferred to QMX Journal.

Articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution License, and readers can reuse the material by citing it, provided that it complies with the referencing rules. Therefore, another author does not need to request permission from the journal publisher or article author to cite or share published work.

Disclaimer Policy

QMX journal editors may offer waivers and discounts to authors from developing countries (Research4Life Countries) who submit publications to the journal. If authors from countries determined by the decision of the editorial board for waivers and discounts submit their requests to the journal in writing, their requests will be evaluated by the editorial board.

Data Archiving Policy

After an article is published in the QMX Journal, the editors and editorial board encourage authors to archive their work as published in the journal in publicly accessible, permanent repositories wherever possible. The journal makes no recommendations or suggestions as to which repositories are most appropriate but encourages authors to identify those that best meet their needs as well as those who will access the data.

Personal Data Protection Policy

In accordance with the "Personal Data Protection Law" dated 24/3/2016 and numbered 6698, QMX Journal does not share the personal data shared with the journal (author and referee names; e-mail and contact information, etc.) in any way with third party persons or institutions.

Plagiarism Scanning

QMX Journal adheres to international policies against plagiarism. It uses the CrossCheck platform, Intihalnet, iThenticate and Turnitin for plagiarism detection. Articles uploaded to QMX Journal are first checked for plagiarism by a member of the editorial team before being sent to referees.

Blind Referee Process

QMX journal is an internationally indexed and peer-reviewed academic journal where scientific articles that undergo a double-blind referee process are published.

At least three referees are appointed by the editor(s) to review the publications, depending on the content of the studies and the referees' areas of expertise. All peer review reports are sent anonymously electronically. The names of the referees who made the evaluation are not stated in the reports and the journal due to the double-blinding method. If requested, a written document stating that you have contributed to the journal as a referee can be given to the referees. All authors who have published in the journal are deemed to have agreed to contribute to the journal as referees in future issues.

Blind referee processes directly affect the quality of academic publications. The evaluation process is carried out on the principle of double-blind refereeing. Referees cannot contact authors directly, evaluations and referee reports are transmitted through the journal management system. In this process, evaluation forms and referee reports are forwarded to the author(s) through the editor. Double-blind peer review helps editors make decisions in dialogue with authors. At the same time, writers have the opportunity to improve their work by obtaining important information about their work.

Decision-Making Processes

Editors and the publisher send all studies submitted for publication to at least three referees who are experts in their fields for evaluation. After the review process is completed, the editor-in-chief decides which studies will be published, taking into account the accuracy of the work in question, its importance to the researcher and readers, referee reports and legal regulations such as defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The editor-in-chief may also seek advice from other editors or reviewers when making this decision.


A referee who receives an invitation to referee must inform the editor as soon as possible whether he/she will be able to referee the relevant study.


Studies sent to referees for evaluation should be considered confidential documents. Studies should not be shown to others and their contents should not be discussed. When necessary, referees may ask for advice from other colleagues, with the permission of the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief may grant this permission only in exceptional circumstances. The confidentiality rule also covers persons who refuse to serve as arbitrators.

Principle of Impartiality

Personal criticism should not be made towards the authors during the evaluation process. Evaluations should be made objectively and in a way that contributes to the development of the studies.

Specifying Source

Referees are obliged to notify the authors if there are quotations that are not specified as citations in the study. Referees should pay particular attention to works that are not cited in the field or to citations that overlap with similar works. Reviewers should notify editors if they notice any publications that are similar to any previously published work or information.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

Reviewers should not agree to review if they have any collaborative connection with any author, company or institution whose work they are assigned to review, and should inform the editors of the situation.

Referees cannot use unpublished works or parts of works sent for evaluation in their own studies without the written consent of the author(s). Information and ideas obtained during the evaluation should be kept confidential by the referees and should not be used for their own benefit. These rules also cover people who do not accept the duty of referee.

Ethics Committee Report

In the articles sent to QMX Journal, in accordance with the principle of protecting the rights of people and groups subject to research before, during and after the research, preventing their harm, and obtaining informed consent when necessary, research and studies in the field of social sciences are stated as "human, society and society", taking into account the protection of the environment. "ETHICS COMMITTEE REPORT regarding all kinds of scientific research and studies to be conducted with data collection methods such as surveys, tests, scales, interviews, observations, computerized tests, video/film recording and sound recording" to be conducted on historical artifacts and cultural assets with which people interact. ” can be requested. This is the responsibility of the author.

Expectations from Authors

Studies reviewed by an ethics review committee must include a clear statement at the end of the Methods section stating that the study has been approved by a legally constituted ethics committee and providing the name of the committee and study reference. Study protocols must be accompanied by a copy of the approval letter submitted with the article. In studies exempt from review, a clear statement must be made at the end of the methods section stating that the study has been submitted to a legally constituted ethics committee and is deemed exempt from review and that they provide the name and reference of the study. If this process is not done by an ethics committee, we request a copy of the letter detailing the permissions. QMX reserves the right to request further clarification, depending on the origin of the letter. If we determine that the author of the letter has not appropriately fulfilled the role of an ethics committee, we require the author to submit the work to a legally constituted ethics committee. In such cases, no further decisions are made until the study is either approved or exempt from review. If a study has not been submitted to a legally constituted ethics committee, we must accept that authors submit it and will not make any decisions until it is approved or the committee is exempt from review. The subsequent decision should be recorded in a clear statement at the end of the Methods section, stating that the study has been submitted to a legally constituted ethics committee, stating the name of the committee, its decision, and the reference of the study committee.

The Basic Principles of Ethical Research are:

The emotional well-being, physical well-being, rights, dignity and personal worth of research participants must be safeguarded;

Research participants and contributors should be fully informed about the purpose, methods and end use of the research. They should be clear about what their involvement involves and the risks associated with the process. These risks should be clearly stated and, if possible, quantified. Research participants must participate voluntarily, free from coercion. Participants have the right to withdraw at any time; The research must be independent and clear of any conflict of interest or partiality; Normally the information provided by participants should be anonymous. Confidentiality must be maintained at all times.

License Terms

QMX Journal is licensed under Creative Commons 4.0. QMX Journal allows users to copy, distribute and transmit an article and adapt the article as long as the author is attributed and the article is not used for commercial purposes.

Copyright Ownership

The copyrights of the articles published in QMX Journal belong to the journal. For this reason, authors accept the copyright transfer option before submitting an article to the journal. The copyrights of all data and published works on this site belong to QMX Journal.

To avoid suspicion, anyone should not adapt, edit, modify, transform, publish or distribute publicly this website or the material on this website (in any form or media) in any way.